Nightfall in the city of shadows.

The darkness is palpable, like a living entity that wraps itself around the city's skyscrapers. The only sound is the distant hum of neon lights and the soft rustle of wind through the alleys.

Justicia stands on a rooftop, her white hair and black leather jacket blending into the shadows. Her eyes, like two scarlet red embers burn with fierce intensity yet reveal no emotions.

With a swift and silent motion,she draws dagger from her belt and leaps off the rooftop. Time seems to slow down as she sails through the air , her body arcing gracefully over the streets below.

She lands on the rooftop of a nearby building, her boots barely making a sound on the gravelly surface. In the same fluid motion, she approaches a lone figure standing at the edge of the roof.

The figure of a middle-aged man with a look of terror in his eyes tries to run. But justicia is too quick. With a swift stroke of her dagger , she ends his life,eyes still devoid of any emotion.

Without hesitation, she turns and sprints across the rooftops, her movements almost inhuman it their grace and agility. She bounds from building to building,her feet barely touching the surface as she disappears into the night.

The city streets below remain unaware of the silent assassin who haunts their rooftop leaving only a faint whisper of her presence.

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